Suspension bridge - Mallemort (13)
Département des Bouches-du-Rhône
6000000 € HT
RL&A Architectes, mandataire
SETEC Diades, Bureau d’études Diagnostic
SETEC TPI, BET Structure
Bridges and fountains
Suspension bridge - Mallemort (13)
The suspension bridge of Mallemort on the Durance is one of the last witnesses of the first generation of metal bridges built in France. It is characterized by the "wire-wire" technology developed by Marc Seguin, and enriched by the improvements made by the engineer Arnodin in 1886.
It is the subject of a project of restoration and opening to the soft circulations. The challenge is to understand the patrimonial and technological specificities of the bridge, with a constant desire for transmission over time and technical improvement.
/ Listed as a National Landmark