Church and cloister of the Celestins - Avignon (84)
RL&A Architectes, Mandataire
Cabinet Montagne, Economiste
Socotec, Contrôleur technique et coordinateur SPS
Ingéflux, BET fluides
IGC, BET structure
Church and cloister of the Celestins - Avignon (84)
The Church and the Cloister of the Celestins belong to a former convent founded in Avignon at the end of the 14th century.
After having been occupied by military functions, the convent has today become a cultural place that hosts exhibitions and theater performances during the Avignon Festival.
The agency RL&A Architects has been commissioned by the City of Avignon for a complete project management mission for the redevelopment and rehabilitation of the church in order to allow a more frequent opening to the public. The project brings the church into compliance with accessibility and safety standards. Contemporary installations and lighting project, meet the functional requirements of the exhibition organizers and enhance this exceptional monument.