The Coliseum - Roma (Italy)
Didier Repellin, Architecte en chef des monuments historiques (h)
B5 S.r.l., Francesca et Ugo Brancaccio, architectes
Entreprises mandataires :
Gisella Capponi, direction des travaux
Gherardi Ing. Giancarlo S.p.A RE.CO Restauratori Consorziati
The Coliseum - Roma (Italy)
Built in Rome after 70 AD, this amphitheater has been severely damaged by natural catastrophes (earthquakes, abandonment), various re-conversions and particularly looting of the precious material such as marble, bronze and irons used in its construction.
The restoration work, begun in 2013, consisted of a special cleaning of the stone (travertine limestone) using water nebulization. Guidelines were drawn up as a result of work on the first five bays. Extremely precise and detailed, it takes into account the different kinds of joints and suggests appropriate mortars and patinas accordingly.
/ UNESCO World Heritage