The Temple des Eaux of Peyrou - Montpellier (34)
Mairie de Montpellier
1100000 € HT
RL&A Architectes
Parks and gardens
Bridges and fountains
The Temple des Eaux of Peyrou - Montpellier (34)
Restauration des parements intérieurs et extérieurs du château d'eau
Erected in the 18th century, the Temple des Eaux in Montpellier was part of a vast programme to beautify the cities of the Kingdom of France put in place by the monarchy during the Enlightenment period.
The degradation of sidings and sculptural decoration was such that restoration of the edifice had to be performed urgently. Remedial work was kept to a minimum in order to preserve the original material and the imprint of the 18th-century artists.
/ Listed as a National Landmark