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Château Laurens - Agde (34)

Communauté urbaine d’Agglomération Hérault Méditerranée
1344000 € HT
5565 m²

RL&A Architectes, mandataire
Thierry Montagne, Economiste de la construction
BET Durand, Bureau d'étude fluides
B.E.T.S, Norbert Aigoin, Bureau d'étude structure
E.G.S.A, Rémy Capo, Bureau d'étude géotechnique

Civil architecture
Parks and gardens

Château Laurens - Agde (34)

Complete restoration

Built at the end of the 19th century, based on the plans of its owner, Emmanuel Laurens, this house enveloped by a neoclassical shell, hosts an extravagant decor.

In 2008, the agency carried out the restoration of the entire zinc-shell cover prior to restoring the Music Room in 2012: facades, hanging vault to the roof structure, stained glass and double-glazed windows, cement tiles floors.
Restoration work on the central part and the Small Apartments is currently underway. Simultaneously, the agency is working on studies pertaining to the construction of a reception building and the restoration of the 1900 garden.

The public opening is scheduled for spring 2020.

/ Listed as a National Landmark