Chapelle Saint-Martial - Palais des Papes - Avignon (84)
RL&A Architectes
Philipe Votruba, économist
Chapelle Saint-Martial - Palais des Papes - Avignon (84)
Ordered by Pope Clement VI and realized between 1344 and 1345 by the Italian painter Matteo Giovannetti, the frescoes in the Saint-Martial Chapel relate episodes from the life of the saint.
The restoration of this remarkable ensemble began with a thorough literature review and a scientific and historical analysis of the environment. It made it possible to prioritize the impacts on the behavior of the paintings. These data were confronted with the physical reality of the scenery, verified in situ. Previous restorations have been evaluated to intervene with caution and method. The restoration was carried out by a renowned Italian team, supervised by a scientific committee of specialists and research laboratories.
/ Listed as a National Landmark