Buvette Cachat - Evian-les-Bains (74)
Ville d'Evian-les-Bains
1200 m²
RL&A Architectes, architect
Philippe Votruba, économist
ECSB, BET Structure-Wood frame
Amstein + Walthert, BET Fluid
Buvette Cachat - Evian-les-Bains (74)
Safeguarding and rehabilitation
Built between 1903 and 1905 on the site of the former establishment of Bains Cachat, the “buvette” is the work of the architect Albert Hébrard. Elegant wooden construction, stained-glass windows and cut stone, Art Nouveau style, with its daring architectural part and an extraordinary realization, the Buvette Cachat testifies to the golden age of the spa in Evian.
RL&A is responsible for conducting the study and carrying out a program of restoration, rehabilitation and safeguarding of this exceptional heritage.
/ Listed as a National Landmark